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Suffering From Leg Ulcers And Pain?

Leg pain can take a serious toll on the quality of an individual’s life. Everyday activities that had been enjoyed for years on end may soon become impossible. Unfortunately, leg ulcers are a fairly common occurrence among middle-aged to senior men and women. As we age, our circulation begins slowing down and our arteries and veins are no longer able to pump blood at the same strength as they were when we were younger — sometimes leading to painful leg ulcers. At Alate Vein Center, our staff is dedicated to helping you discover the correct treatment plan to treat leg ulcers and halt the accompanying pain.


As briefly mentioned above, poor blood circulation is the main cause of leg ulcers. If blood cannot flow correctly to your feet, then it is an artery issue. If it is not able to flow back to the heart, then it is a vein issue. Regardless of whether the issue is with veins or arteries, this weak blood flow leads to capillary congestion and the pooling of blood. The tissues around the affected area are damaged due to lack of oxygen. Additionally, blood can leak from the distended capillaries and form a clot around the area, further preventing the passage of oxygen and nutrients to the skin. On top of this, white blood cells may become activated in response to the damage, attacking the area and causing further damage.

There are several different reasons that the ulcer could form. While most vein centers are only able to treat vein disease, otherwise known as venous insufficiency, the experienced doctors at Alate Vein Center have the ability and equipment to treat leg pain caused by both venous insufficiency as well as dangerous problem arteries, otherwise known as peripheral arterial disease (PAD). No matter the cause of your pain, we will work with you to treat the immediate pain as well as the underlying cause of the problem.


Leg ulcers are generally not hard to miss, as they are painful, open sores that usually develop on the inside of the leg and just above the ankle. The symptoms that you should be on the lookout for include:


If you believe you may have a leg ulcer, you should immediately make an appointment at Alate Vein Center. Our experienced physicians will assess the sore and walk you through our minimally invasive treatments to find the best solution for your specific needs. Call or schedule an appointment today and we will help you get back on your feet and enjoying the pain-free life that you deserve.

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