4 Myths About Fibroids
Though fibroids are a common occurrence among women – affecting as many as 75% in their lifetime – an aura of mystery still clouds them, especially when it comes to fibroid symptoms and treatment options. Distinguishing the myths from the facts can be confusing, and it can be hard to know what to do about fibroids when there is so much misinformation surrounding them. If you suffer from uterine fibroids in Houston, your best bet is to learn as much as you can so you can make informed choices that will enable you to live the life you deserve.
At Alate Fibroid Center, we make it our priority to ensure that our patients have all of the information they need to make the right healthcare choices for them. Before you come in to see us, let’s dispel some of the more common myths about fibroids.
Of all the misconceptions regarding fibroids, this is probably the biggest. Many women delay treating their fibroids because they don’t want to lose their uterus. However, there is another option. Uterine fibroid embolization (UFE) offers women a minimally-invasive way to alleviate the pain and suffering that fibroids can bring. Unfortunately, the majority of women still don’t know this is an alternative. A recent study showed that at least half of women diagnosed with uterine fibroids didn’t know about UFE as a treatment option. Each woman’s fibroid experience is different, and we take this into account at Alate, always working with our patients to come up with the best solution for them.
It is true that some women suffer from debilitating pain that makes it difficult to work with fibroids, but this is not always the case. Some women with fibroids don’t present with symptoms. Others cite heavy flow as the biggest issue with their fibroids, due to worries the excessive menstrual flow leading to embarrassing accidents in public. Other bothersome symptoms include pelvic pressure, urinary incontinence, and constipation. It makes sense that not all fibroid experiences are created equal since there are several different types of fibroids.
Though sometimes fibroids can interfere with a woman’s fertility, this is rare. Many women with fibroids have successful pregnancies. In fact, infertility occurs when you decide to have a hysterectomy to treat the fibroids. Though UFE is suggested for women who do not wish to retain their fertility, some studies have shown women go on to get pregnant after having UFE.
Fibroids are benign, non-cancerous growths in the uterus that rarely lead to future issues with cancer.
Don’t let misinformation keep you in the dark about fibroids. You can best manage your health when you have accurate knowledge. Learn more about fibroids and fibroid treatment options at Alate Health!