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Common Signs Of Venous Insufficiency You Should Know

Venous insufficiency is defined as the failure of veins to properly circulate blood from the legs back to the heart. It’s one of the most common chronic diseases in the United States, affecting up to 40% of women and 20% of men by the age of 50. With anywhere from 20 to 25 million Americans suffering every day, many individuals want to be aware of potential symptoms to get treatment as quickly as possible. Early intervention may improve long-term outcomes. The vein experts at Alate Health list below some of the most common signs of venous insufficiency you should know.


Venous insufficiency is most likely to physically manifest at the lower extremities, so be cognizant of any swelling toward the bottom of your legs and ankles. This swelling is caused by blood pooling in the lower half of your body, as the veins are unable to push against gravity and carry blood back to the heart.


Many individuals who suffer from venous insufficiency may notice that the skin on their legs and ankles starts to change color. For minor cases, it may look like a red rash. For more serious cases, it may begin to resemble a blue or yellow bruise. Depending on the severity of the condition and the amount of time it has gone untreated, painful ulcers can begin to form as well.


While there are many different reasons for leg pain, a tell-tale sign that it may be caused by venous insufficiency is if the pain appears to get worse when switching from sitting to standing or vice versa. If the valves in the veins are not working properly, these shifts can cause a large amount of blood to move through the body quickly, causing discomfort.


One in five individuals who suffer from restless leg syndrome often feel a tingling or tickling sensation in their legs that can only be relieved by moving their legs frequently or walking around. While there are many different potential causes for this syndrome, if it happens to you frequently, you may want to get checked for venous insufficiency.


Do you often feel that you’ve done an intense leg workout even if you’ve remained sedentary for most of the day? This could potentially be a sign of venous insufficiency. A lack of proper oxygen flow makes it difficult for leg muscles to work properly.


If you are suffering from any of these symptoms or believe you may have venous insufficiency, schedule an appointment at Alate Health today for a free vein screening. Our experienced specialists utilize the latest in medical technology and minimally invasive treatments to bring you the relief that you deserve. Come in today and together we will take the steps toward a happier, healthier life.

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