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Considering a Hysterectomy for Severe Fibroid Pain? Learn About UFE First

Considering a Hysterectomy for Severe Fibroid Pain? Learn About UFE First

Over 35 million American women have uterine fibroids, growths of fibrous tissue that develop into benign uterine tumors. Typically found inside your uterine cavity or within the uterine wall, uterine fibroids come in all sizes, from the size of a small seed to larger than a grapefruit. In some cases, however, fibroids can grow outside the uterus. 

Less than one in 1000 fibroids are cancerous, and being diagnosed with uterine fibroids does not increase your risk of getting uterine or any other form of cancer. However, uterine fibroids can cause uncomfortable and problematic systems, which vary based on the size, number, and location of fibroids. 

If you have fibroids and are considering a hysterectomy, you may want to consider a less permanent solution to your fibroid pain. With safe and effective uterine fibroid embolization, you can be fibroid-free without invasive and exhausting surgery. 

Board-certified radiologist Dr. Andrew Doe at Alate Health in Houston, Texas, specializes in removing uterine fibroids with minimally invasive uterine fibroid embolization (UFE). Keep reading to learn more about UFE and why you may wish to consider it before getting a hysterectomy. 

All about uterine fibroid embolization

A safe and effective minimally invasive treatment, UFE shrinks uterine fibroids and gives you relief from the uncomfortable symptoms they bring. Here’s what you need to know.

UFE reduces or eliminates blood supply to uterine fibroids since they grow through a supply of blood from your uterine arteries. Radiology expert Dr. Doe uses advanced imaging technology to target the right blood vessels. 

Your Alate Health provider first makes a tiny incision in your groin. Then, your provider inserts a small catheter into the blood vessel, delivering blood to the fibroids. Once the catheter is in, tiny particles called embolic agents are sent into the arteries to block blood flow to the fibroids. This causes them to shrink in size and then die. 

This whole process takes around 90 minutes or less on average. The procedure is typically conducted at Alate Health’s outpatient facility. Generally, complications are rare but may include bleeding at the site of incision, infection, and early menopause for women over 40.

A safe and effective alternative to a hysterectomy

There are many benefits of UFE. Namely, it eliminates your fibroid pain without eliminating your uterus. UFE solves the symptoms of uterine fibroids without removing an organ and is over 85% effective in reducing the symptoms. 

At Alate Health, over 90% of our patients report experiencing a dramatic improvement in the quality of their life after UFE. The many benefits of UFE include:

UFE also eliminates or decreases other fibroid symptoms and allows you to return to work and your daily routine in just one week. 

Getting started with UFE

If UFE is right for you, the first step is to set up a consultation at Alate Health in Houston, Texas. Dr. Doe reviews your symptoms, medical history, and orders imaging studies to determine the number and size of fibroids you have. With this information, Dr. Doe can determine if you are a good candidate for UFE. 

If you aren’t planning to become pregnant and want a safe and effective alternative to a hysterectomy, UFE might be right for you. UFE is the most effective in eliminating small to moderate fibroids, so it might not be the best treatment if your fibroids are large. Dr. Doe will discuss alternative treatment options with you.

To get started with UFE, contact the specialists at Alate Health in Houston, Texas, by scheduling an appointment online or calling 713-255-8351 today!

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