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Varicose Veins Aren’t Just A Cosmetic Concern

If you have varicose veins, you know they can be quite unsightly. You may try covering them up with long pants and long skirts. You may even avoid going to the beach because they embarrass you.

But varicose veins aren’t just a cosmetic concern. The enlarged, purple-blue or red veins located just under the surface of your skin can cause annoying symptoms and, in some cases, serious health concerns.

Here at Alate Health, Dr. Andrew Doe offers several treatment options for people with varicose veins. Read on to learn more about this condition, and how it can be treated.

Ropey veins in your legs

Varicose veins develop when the valves in a vein (usually in your legs) become damaged.

Valves prevent blood from flowing in the wrong direction in your veins. When valves are damaged, they allow blood to pool in the veins, which causes veins to swell. 

Hemorrhoids are another type of varicose veins that occur in the rectum. Varicose veins that develop in a man’s testicles are called varicoceles. Spider veins are also a type of varicose veins, but they are very small and typically don’t cause problems. 

Who gets varicose veins?

Varicose veins occur in as many 23 percent of people in the U.S. Although anyone can get them, they’re twice as common in women than in men.

The risk of developing varicose veins goes up with:

Impact on your health

Varicose veins are not just a cosmetic concern. They may cause pain, swelling, and problems with walking or standing. In some cases, they can lead to health problems such as bleeding sores, skin ulcers, skin infections, and a type of blood clot known as superficial thrombophlebitis.

Treating varicose veins

If your varicose veins cause only minor discomfort, self-care measures and lifestyle changes may offer relief. These include losing weight, becoming more active, quitting smoking, wearing compression hose, and elevating your legs.

When these steps don’t work, or if you’re tired of covering up your legs, treatment can relieve symptoms and improve your appearance. 

Here at Alate Health, we offer a variety of in-office vein treatment procedures, including:

Get help for your varicose veins

If you live in Houston or its surrounding areas, Dr. Doe and the team at Alate Health are happy to consult with you to determine the best treatment plan for your varicose veins. Book an appointment online or by phone with Alate Health today.


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