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You Have Fibroid Treatment Options

For some, fibroids are a mere nuisance. For others, though, they can significantly affect the way they live their lives. If you’re one of the nearly 30% of American women ages 30-45 who are afflicted with fibroids, you may have heard that the only way to treat them is with surgery. However, this is no longer the case! Thanks to advances in interventional radiology, women with fibroids now have options that may be less invasive, leading to faster and more comfortable healing.

At Alate Fibroid Center, we use minimally-invasive treatments to alleviate the pain and lifestyle inconveniences many with fibroids experience. Learn more about how uterine fibroid embolization, or UFE, can change your life so that you can feel good again.


Many women with fibroids dread getting their period. They worry about having an embarrassing accident, or they have intense cramping that makes them want to curl up in bed instead of going out and having fun. Unfortunately, this is the reality for many fibroid sufferers. But it doesn’t have to be!

Fibroids include a range of symptoms that can vary greatly from person to person. Some women have no symptoms at all. For the unfortunate ones, their discomfort can be so great that they find it hard to take part in their normal activities on their worst pain days.

Here are some of the more common fibroid symptoms:

Excessive menstrual bleeding
Pelvic pain and pressure
Urinary incontinence
Other symptoms can include anemia, infertility, leg pain, painful intercourse, and abdominal swelling.


For a long time, the standard method of treating fibroids was hysterectomy or myomectomy. Thanks to the wonder of interventional radiology, that’s no longer the case. Interventional radiology is a medical specialty that uses minimally-invasive, image-guided procedures to both diagnose and treat a wide range of diseases. Dr. Doe, the founder of Alate Health, has trained under some of the world’s experts in interventional radiology, and he has over 10 years of experience in providing UFE.

UFE is a great option for many women. It means you can keep your uterus, recover faster, and have no scarring. The procedure is done at the Alate Health facility. It involves a tiny incision through which the doctor inserts a small catheter to block blood flow to the fibroids, which causes them to shrink. Once they shrink, your symptoms are eliminated.

UFE isn’t the best choice for all women. We recommend it for women who are done having kids and are between the ages of 35 to 50. We offer free consultations, so we encourage you to give us a call to learn more about your options!

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